Network marketing has specific strategies
that need to be implimented in a systematic
way. These steps can look different from
company to company. And from team to team.
But the most important part of this prospecting process is
you must have a duplicatable system for your people to
plug into. Whether they are on your front line or your twenty
fourth level, they need to be able to stand out from those
undependable business models.
Mentoring for Free is where they can learn to differentiate
themself from every other network marketer who calls on
prospects with the agenda to recruit them.
When you learn that Business Models drive the behavior in
your network marketing business. You will be able to teach
your people a variety of success skills, that will take them to the
levels they aspire to reach.
Business Models Training includes these skills
How to educate your new prospect
How to position yourself as the expert they must have
How to focus on the 5 pillars as reason to join your company.
How to educate your prospect to spot the bad companies
What to say if they're in a company
What to say if they're NOT in a company
How to demonstrate for your prospect that your company
business model drives successful rep behavior
How to prepare your prospect for a successful 3-way call
What to say about your compensation plan
What to say to the "product-only-focused" prospect
How to bulletproof your prospects from all the other recruiters
What you MUST tell them before they will ever join you
The 2 prospect questions you MUST answer
How to get your prospects on autoship
What to say to the person who can't afford to join.
You can hear this teleseminar this Saturday, May 31st,
at 8:55PM Eastern time.
You have the opportunity to learn exactly what to say to
prospects that gets them to join you, and then to build like
I strongly recommend that you listen in on this call.
You can register here "Mentoring for Free"
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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