over-whelm and dysfunction. They get things done.
As the old cliché says, "When life gives them
lemons, they make lemonade."
Your first ingredient is "Success in 10 Steps"
Several things are necessary to thrive in the midst of chaos:
1. Exceptional boundaries. Winners structure their own lives
and refuse to get caught up in other people's drama. They know
how to close their doors and ignore disruptions. They know
where they are going and they tolerate few, if any, distractions.
2. Exceptional vision. They know their priorities and their
desired outcomes. They know what they want and they can see,
taste, smell and even touch their results in advance.
They have goals rather than mere hopes or dreams.
3. Exceptional self-direction. Winners are in charge of their
lives and chaos around them is merely someone else's drama
swirling nearby. They maintain their inner calm. They are not
easily lost or confused.
They know their priorities and their direction.
4. Exceptional optimism. They see chaos as opportunity.
Chaos "stirs the pot" and opens doors. Rather than annoying or
frustrating them, they love it! On a wild and windy day, a rainbow
may appear at any moment and they welcome it.
5. Exceptional Reserves. They take care of themselves. They
eat well, rest often, save and invest wisely and when opportunity
knocks, they are waiting to answer the door. They operate from
strength and stability.
While a chaotic world wreaks havoc on the competition.
6. Exceptional response-ability. Rather than reacting from
anger or anxiety, they see an ever-changing world and thoughtfully
respond to opportunities that present themselves.
Most people react; winners respond.
John Lennon observed that "life is what happens while you
were making other plans." Life will not wait until we are ready
or until we catch our breath. Winners thrive on chaos. They'll
see and seize opportunities, and they'll love the wild ride. In a
world swirling with change and chaos, they invest in themselves
And they get things done.
If you want to stop "running faster and living less" join us for
the World Class Life Conference in May. Take time to relax,
renew, and re-commit to your most important goals. Focus on
practical strategies to create and LIVE the life you truly want.
But act quickly! Space is limited and the WCL always fills up.
Philip E. Humbert, PhD,President,
The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.
Copyright (c) 2008, all rights reserved. U.S. Library of Congress
ISSN: 1529-059X You may copy, forward or distribute TIP's if
this copyright notice and full information for contacting
Dr Philip E. Humbert are included.
Contact him at:http://www.philiphumbert.com/
or email to Coach@philiphumbert.com
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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