YOU stand out among your peers?
I highly recommend that you download
this ebook "Success in 10 Steps"
Want to be seen as someone who is
methodical, systematic and in control.
I highly recommend the "Mentoring for Free System"
Here's one more ideal way to distance yourself from the herd!
I highly recommend you do the "30 Day Mental Cleanse"
The Other Secrets of Successful People
There's a huge contrast between people who have a plan and those
who fall behind. Planning isn't rocket science... just common sense
in action. Because this skill is so easy to learn and maintain, it is
unbelievable that anyone would permit this to hold them back.
You have many places you'd like to go in life, but no clue how to get
there. If you are struggling with career, financial or personal issues,
maybe it's your lack of ability to create even the most basic plan for a
successful life.
You believe that the future is out of your control, and you're lucky
just getting by -- taking it one day at a time. With each day
resembling the last as you move in random directions for no specific
reason. With no realistic plan.
Take Control of Your Results, What's your Plan
If you don't have a plan for getting where you want to go, you're
going to spend a lot of time stuck in places you have no interest or
business being in. I can help you with that.
Listen to this, it's "What's Your Plan"
You will find that events usually unfold as predicted, according to
your well-defined plan. And thats because you have a plan to actually
follow.So now you can believe that the future is in your control, by
using the five steps outlined below.
The 5 Basic Steps for Creating Your Powerful Plans
1) Maintain a written action plan for each of your major goals
Written plans are the essential instructions for how to reach
a goal.There is no way you can accomplish something if you don't
know how to proceed. A plan is simply a detailed map outlining
the steps required to accomplish your goal
2) Visualize the process for each new project from beginning to end,
well before you start. Visualize the proper sequence of events
required to achieve your major objectives -- in the fewest number
of steps possible. Because you plan ahead, you take total control
of your performance.
3) Write your plans with well defined steps that lead to specific,
major objectives.With a clear set of instructions, you can go
anywhere and achieve anything you want It takes a lot less to
get where you want to go when you prepare in advance. By
providing the step-by-step instructions for the actions that must
be taken. Outlining a series of steps that must be completed
along your path, to be successful.
4) Integrate the steps of your plans into your schedule every day.
And you start to control your performance. If you want to move
your plans ahead, each day write each action step in your plan
and dedicate an appropriate amount of time to get it done.
Reserve time for step-by-step planning in advance, and your
plans will get completed
5) Work your plans until you succeed or find a better way. The best
plan in the world is useless until it's put into action. How well you
follow through with your plans -- ultimately determines your
success. .You make things happen when you act on your plans
and see them through to the end.
Master these skills, and the achievement of any goal is just a
written plan away. Because you work your plans, you will start to
take control of your performance.And you'll be surprised at how
quickly your moving to the success you want. Your march to
success starts with downloading "Success in 10 Steps"
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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