Monday, September 29, 2008

Gary Vaynerchuk "Fondle Your Friends to Build Brand Equity"

Master brander Gary Vaynerchuk recently spoke at the
blogger convention. And discussed numerous ways to build
your brand, with your blog.

Here are a few of the topics covered in this 30 minute video
presentation. Courtesy of David Peralty

1) Build brand as strong as Robert Downey Jr.

2) Make it your only reason to live

3) Why you need to avoid the noid

4) How long you need to fondle your friends

5) How many meetups are important

I must rate this video PG due to some strong language but
do not be afraid, and do take notes.

Click here to watch the Gary Vanerchuk video.

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

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