Monday, March 10, 2008

How the Guru's Voodoo, Put You in MLM Do-Do, And the Mother of Guide's to Kiss Those Boo Boo's

A Network marketing home based business.
It seemed to be exactly the right thing to do when
you started.

You figured you'd start in your spare time and build to
full-time. Set up a 2nd income to eventually let you quit
your full-time job.

Then you could kiss your boss good-bye.

No commuting anymore. Who wants to jump
out of a warm bed into a cold dark car anyways.

Goodbye office politics. At least in the general
elections you get to vote.

More time with your family members. You get to be around
as kids grow up. More money to do the things you and your
family wanted to do


And then some MLM expert came into your life, to help
you achieve your dreams. What they said sounded great.

Fire your boss

Work for yourself

Make your own hours

Go to your kids' school plays or sporting events instead of
working overtime, take your family on exotic vacations,
spend your life with the most engaging and successful people.

It's hard to believe those successful people drained your
wallet dry and then dumped you.

Instead of tremendous profits, you got wild losses.

You believed it was a slam dunk, so you spent money you couldn't
afford to lose. You made credit card charges that will take months
or years to repay.

You set out to provide better for your family, and you wound up
with certain family members laughing at you behind your back.
Worst of all, in your heart now you don't really believe you could
ever be successful at your own business.

My bet is, after licking your wounds, you're figuring it's time
to wake up from this bad dream, get to work, and really achieve
those goals you want so much.

I've been through this myself. I can help you.
Here's what we do Mentoring For Free

That's what this blog is about. Come back and see.
But first read this guide My Success Manual

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart


Bill Tessore said...

Hi Gary,

I came for the title & stayed for the content. Lots of warm resinant content. Loved it!

I appreciate you,

Bill Tessore

Gary McElwain said...

Thanks Bill

I'll keep your comment in mind when I make additional post here.
I once heard a great man say " If your first sentence is great, you can mess up the rest"