To make your fortune in network marketing, you have to
plan long-term to build a strong and commited team. Plenty of
people just figure,
"I'll try this for awhile and see what happens"
Chances of that working for them aren't very good. It's important
to be able to develop the simple principle's of team building and
to realize engaging in these activities just take a commitment.
You never hear anybody say they'll try marriage for 3 months
and see if it works.
Well maybe in Hollywood
You can make a good, stable income in MLM, when you use a
proven duplicatable system that works. And when you
have that kind of system in place, encouraging people to join
your team becomes a no-brainer.
The next crucial element is to continually tighten the grip on
your own team building commitment.
List every step of your plan.
Plan a regular schedule each day to do these tasks.
Who can you get a hold of to quickly answer questions?
You want quick access to a successful system-user who is getting
good results with it right now. It's important that you quickly see
for yourself by your own experience that your system works.
Or you'll find excuses not to do any work.
Chances are you won't ever get any actual work done while you
are jumping from system to system. Looking for the ever elusive
"Holy Grail" in the network marketing universe.
That formula doesn't give you an actual opportunity for success.
If you're making phone calls, to targeted prospects interested in
what you have to offer. You have to be sure to set aside time that
you can give prospects your undivided attention.
The training I use and recommend is available for you to use
in your team building endeavors with Mentoring For Free
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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