Thursday, June 5, 2008

Social Networking Psychology, is Network Marketing Biology

Network marketing as a home based business goes
hand in hand with the social networking done daily on all
the Web2.0 sites. And the best training available for social
networking is the"Colors to Success" teleseminar training by
Mentoring for Free.

It's no secret.

The more you know about the psychology of people the more
friends you will make. If you do business on the internet, it's
extremely important that you know how to effectively
communicate to your audience using the written word.

Each person in your audience is different and responds to
different messages in different ways. Luckily, Michael Dlouhy
has narrowed down the four personality traits with specific hot
buttons. You will find more on that topic in this previous post

When you push as many of these hot buttons as you can, using
perfectly polished copy, (taught by Richard Dennis) you
increase your credibility as a social networker.

And that's the whole point, isn't it?

Here are a few hot buttons from each of the four personality
colors. Figure out which personality color you are, then you will
understand how better to relate to the other three.

The smartest people will never quit!

1) Green- These people are obsessed with specifics. The more
details and hard numbers that you can give them, the more
likely you are to turn these information junkie's into great prospects
for your successful network marketing business.

Need some fresh cookie's for that next meeting

2) Yellows- They need to know that what you are offering
them has been tried by your team, and that they can do it with
you. They will be your best friend. They will be glad to help
the team in anyway they can. See that warm smile.

If it ain't fun, I'm not comin!

3) Blue's- These are emotional people, often making spur of
the moment purchases. By creating the right mood and stirring
the right feelings, these people are motivated promoters. Just
present the idea, then get out of their scattered way.

Get to the point, I ain't got time

4)Red- They all want to know, 'What's in it for ME?' Tell them,
show them, sell them. You must earn their respect from the
start. These people respond to social networking that give's
them a sense of pride, meaning and visualization. You know,
Look at ME!

"Colors to Success Teleseminar"

And there you have the four personality traits that we all share
as social networkers. To find out approximately what
percentage of your market belongs to each category, You will
need to belistening in to Richard Dennis and Michael Dlouhy.

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

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