Here is a recent message I recieved from Randy Gage
Most of you know about "The MLM Revolution, the Manifesto
I'll be releasing on January 1, one minute after midnight. But
almost 3,000 more of you have subscribed to this Leadership
report since the notice of that was sent. So for you guys that
have heard this, please forgive the repetition.
But this is important. Really important.
For our profession to reach the level of acceptance it deserves,
for each of us to attain the success we are seeking, and for the
business to truly help the millions of people that need it right
now - we have to get better.
As distributors, as leaders, and as professionals.
That's why I'm writing the manifesto. It's a brutally honest look
at what we do great, and what we do horrible. Like the five lies
that never seem to die, the seven most deceptive recruiting
practices, and the scams, schemes and money games that
masquerade as legitimate programs. We have to police
ourselves, and clean up our own house.
Most importantly, the Manifesto is a call for what can be.
We need to lead by example and set higher standards. We
need to be amazing. And we can be.
But it won't be easy. Or quick. But we can do it.
And the time to do it is NOW.
The economy is tanking almost everywhere in the world.
Millions of jobs are being eliminated. Whole industries are
facing extinction. People have seen their retirement plans
and investments eviscerated. They are desperate.
And we can help them.
So I'm asking for your help.
Please go to http://GageManifesto.com and sign up, so you
get the Manifesto as soon as it is released. Then spread the
word to the critical thinkers, and people of influence
who can become agents of change in our profession. We've got
to get the word out to the next generation of leaders.
Then on January 1, as soon as you receive the instructions,
download the document and read it. Then continue the
dialogue as we lock arms and make our profession the shining
beacon of hope it can be.
We only have a couple days more to build the critical mass
necessary to become the change we seek.
I hope you will join the Revolution!
P.S. The Manifesto isn't meant for the masses. It's not
really for the product users, small retailers, or people that
like to play store. It's really for the people that see NM as a
profession. Please get the word out to them and send them to:
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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