Your network marketing business plan needs Green details
so you dont forget steps from day to day. If you're like me life
has a tendency to throw you off track.
But the Green personality has a habit of analyzing every detail
of thier day. They make up 35% of the population, and are some
of the smartest people we know. And they will let you know too.
These people cant be rushed into anything, because they have
to have all the details of any situation. They specialize in creating
systems, with step by step details so they dont forget what
comes next.
Get the idea? Of course you do.
Mentoring for Free has some great Green personalities
involved in refining and expanding the system. One of those
Green personalities is Sarah Thompson.
Sarah did a couple of training calls recently, where she laid out
her step by step development of her marketing and business
plan. She gives you explicit details how she plans her day.
Download and listen to this 60 minute's of successful and easy
to follow business planning. Learn the turkey dinner method.
The magic of her 3 x 5 cards. How to track and plan your days
So here's the deal.
Right click and save this training call "Sarah Thompson"
Download the ebook "Success in 10 Steps" and I'll invite
you to the live "Personality Colors Training"
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
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