With Michael Dlouhy on the road with the Freedom Tour
The Mentoring for Free System chugs on, like a well oiled
locomotive, continually picking up steam.
With new leaders constantly stepping up to the plate to
willingly help keep the train a rollin. Mentoring for Free
marches on, with the 30 Day Mental Cleanse.
We are now staring back at the begining, and are starting
to lay new tracks with chapter 1 of "Think and Grow Rich"
It's not to late to jump onboard with us Today!
Here are my current thoughts from Chapter 1
When I first bought my copy of "Think and Grow Rich" I
started reading it over a couple of weeks, and then set it aside.
Misplacing it for several months.
So when I decided to start reading it again, it was like opening
some long lost sacred manuscript. With the dust coming off of it
causing me to sneeze, over and over again.
After a few pages I was experiencing something coming over
me. As I was envisioning what seemed like smoke rising out of
the lamp, as the Genie was being released.
Willing to grant my every wish
All I have to do is absorb the knowledge contained in the pages
of this ancient sacred manuscript. And create a habit of putting
it all into action.
Realizing that my desires begin with an impulse of thought. I
can mold and form them, till I create the determination to get
whatever it is I want.
By developing a pupose, and standing by it until it is an all
consuming obsession. Leading me to create the ultimate in
material possesions, and a spiritual well being.
I understand this may require seeking expert guidance from
the Genie himself. To keep me drilling into my desire and keep
going that one step beyond each roadblock.
Until I can magically, magneticly attract all that I desire. As
long as I know what it is I want. But it all starts by building that
fire and stoking it till it creates a burning desire.
Gary McElwain
I hope you enjoyed my interpretation of Chapter 1.
You can join us on this Mastermind journey, and create your
own interpretations. And share your ideas with a group of like
minded friends.
Experience Mentoring for Free, where you learn how to think,
not what to think. And take the 30 Day Mental Cleanse.
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart
Mentoring for Free is indeed an opportunity for a new beginning. It saved me from years of failure in network marketing.
And the Mental Cleanse is an important part of the process. Reading "Think and Grow Rich" along with a mastermind group of supporters gets you on the track to success.
Congratulations on these important achievements!
Steve DeVane
Your right Steve Mentoring for Free does offer people the opprtunity for new beginings. They just need to be clear on what they want.
And that's where the Mental Cleanse helps in establishing clear focus. Thanks for you input.
Gar McElwain
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