Hi everyone my name is Gary McElwain,
and I am a Product Launch Addict
Not that I buy all the 2, 5, or $10,000 courses the guru's create,
But I do pay attention to what these people are doing in their
million dollar day marketing plans.
These people give away enough information to educate you on
their process. All while enticing, and persuading you to
purchase their life and business changing programs.
Last week Frank Kern released his List Control Program,
and with all the super affiliates promoting this course. Millions
of people probably watched at least one of his video's.
In the process of this promotion he released a couple of video's
under the radar. He mentioned a speaking engagement he
called "The Core Influence". It was a test run on a new
piece of software he was giving away.
In these video's Frank Kern talks about when his life and
business went through a drastic change. He talks about how
he went from paranoia of his customers, to happy to talk to
How he was struggling to keep his business going, to having
massive success easily just start happening.
Listening to him describe his process, and the time frame this
change started taking place. Just happens to coincide with the
opening of the Mentoring for Free System.
He talks about creating his perfect day, that exact process is
taught by Michael Dlouhy. And it is one of the first training
exercises to avoid daily negativity that people are taught in
Mentoring for Free.
Frank talks about how he started using visualization, to create
the home's and cars, he wanted. That exercise is right on the
front page of the Mentoring for Free website.
He also discusses how to determine what kind of customers, and
business partners he wanted to have. That is a major part of the
Mentoring for Free training. Determining who you want to work
with in your network marketing business.
Frank Kern is a world famous Internet marketer, who can easily
make a millions with his products. So just imagine what this training
can do for you, and your network marketing business.
Now I'm not saying Frank Kern uses the Mentoring for Free
training system. But the timing of his massive success has to
make you wonder. Michael Dlouhy makes all this training
and personal development available to everyone looking
for help.
So you can take advantage of all this great training, that will
help grow your business. And you also get to join in the
personal development masterminds that will grow you.
Get your introduction by downloading the free ebook
"Success in 10 Steps"
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
Being a mentor with a servants heart