Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mentoring For Free and The Mental Cleanse 3, The Science of Faith, Influencing Your Behavior in Social Networking

Social networking requires you to
have a strong focus to accomplish all you
need to do on a consistant basis. Thats
where Mentoring for Free and the
Mental Cleanse clear your inner fog,
making focus your priority. So here is
my lesson from chapter 3.

Think and Grow Rich-Chapter 3

Faith is the belief in the attainment of a chosen desire.To acquire
faith I will continously conduct myself as if my desires are already
in my possession. My state of belief must be strong, and direct,
to be carried out.

I will develop my faith by repeated instructions to my subconcious
mind Which leads to infinite intelligence. And this infinite
intelligence, can be harnessed by me, to create what seems to most
to be impossible results. My mind will take on the nature of the
influences, which I let dominate it. Perfection of this will come
through practice, and action.

Not by merely reading the instructions.

Faith dominated by positive emotions, will create a state of mind,
to be acted upon immediately. With faith I will build my life to
order. Because faith transforms the vibrations of thought into it's
material equivalent.Faith is a self induced state of mind. Powered
by positive emotional auto-suggestion. So I will believe whatever
it is that I repeat to myself over and over again.

Because I am my dominating thoughts.

My thoughts are a magnetic force, which attract the vibrations
of similar thoughts. Which combine in the Infinite Intelligence.
Creating unlimited abundance, of my dominating thoughts and
creates a favorable magnetic attraction. Causing even higher and
more defined vibrations. Arousing my inner genius to propel me
onto achieve any desire I wish to achieve.

The ether is the great cosmic mass of vibration. So my ideas,
plans, and purpose, must be of positive vibrations. Which will
also inspire me to mix faith with these ideas. Next I will
formulate a plan, for the transformation of these desire's into
thier physical reality.

The next step will be for me to put these plans into continuous
positive action. And I will apply these plans with persistance and
determination. Till they are carried out to the desired outcomes.
I will create in me a burning desire.

I will push myself to achieve all that I desire.

And all of that is what I NOW think of as Faith.

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Monday, April 28, 2008

Those Green Melanesia's Wear a Heavy Crown

Social networking on
the Internet will have
you meeting a lot of
different types of people.
And the best way for you
to catagorize all of them is
with the four
personality colors.
Mentoring for Free has training designed to help you
determine the personality colors.
So today I would like to introduce you to a Green guy going
through a Mental Cleanse.
Hello Michael!
I am currently overtaken by temporary defeat. I am depressed,
and considering the options before me.
Have I sought expert counsel? Am I 3 feet short of my goal?
Is my success just one more step beyond what I am seeing as
Why do I persist in believing that I have nothing to offer people,
that there is no benefit to working with me?
As I sit here writing this, I took a call from a man who had
downloaded STS a while back, and I had left a voice mail for
several weeks ago. He called out of the blue, wanting to talk
about Mentoring For Free,
And get another copy of Success In Ten Steps.
My very green, analytical mind, that same mind that is prone to
over think things, find reasons to remain sceptical, and to resist
offering trust, to instead look for the indicators for distrust....
And I find myself wondering if this is the universe's sense of
humour at work? Just when I've resolved myself to giving this
up, looking for something else, packing it in, along comes a call that
can lift my spirits, possibly change my mind, or at least make me
wonder.... is it possible? Is there really any chance for me?
My belief fades in and out, sometimes strong, sometimes weak,
almost manic, bipolar in it's nature. The highs are very high,
the lows, as deep as they get.
I no longer wonder about why I struggle. I have read and listened
enough to realize that it is due to my own thinking. Keeping my
thinking inline I find is easier said than done though.
There is an aspect to my thinking that I am aware of now, and is
a large factor. Not only will negativity set me back, but it draws
to me more negativity, negative people, whose own thinking and
beliefs fuel this fire.
A fire I need put out if I am to cover that last 3 feet. It is not easy
to tell people to get away from me, but I know that is what I have
to do. If they are not going to alter their thinking, and are going to
impose their negative views upon me, I can no longer tolerate it,
if I truly wish to change my thinking, and change my world.
They depress me.
I have the inclination to study my failures,and I seem to be
gaining knowledge about what leads to those failures. But, am I
changing my path? Truly?
I don't know.
And as long as I don't know, doubt lingers and eats at any
possibility of success, like termites in the frame work of your
house. Slowly, quietly, and absolutely, destroying it from the
inside out.
Destroying my possibilities before they have a chance to rise.
I believe Hill. I believe what he writes. The answers to my
questions, the solutions to my problems are in my own mind.
Wonderful, but I do not seem to be able to get myself into the
correct state of mind and stay there. I fall out.
All I need is in this book, so this time, I am doing the cleanse,
seriously, and properly. I think my life depends on it.
Maybe my sanity.
I seem to know just enough to be a problem for myself, rather
than a solution. Wealth is a state of mind, not the result of
immense hard labour. I believe this, so why do I flounder?
What is the missing piece? Who can coach me to this place I
need to get to in my mind? Who is it that can help me get past
this and into a state of Success Consciousness?
Would I even know them if they showed up?
Magnetizing my thinking, to open minded, positively directed
thinking, in pursuit of my Purpose should not continue to elude me.
Hugh ( green guy )
You can learn about the other personality colors in the book
"Success in 10 Steps" get a copy and read about the colors.
Then you can listen to the Teleconference Training which is
Saturday May 3 at 9:00 PM Eastern. Register today
Your Friend in Success
Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Saturday, April 26, 2008

State of the Internet in Social Marketing

I want to let you know about a few things that I came across.
That I think would be of interest to my readers.

First off is the state of the Internet and Social Marketing
I think the title says it all but read the aricle

Social Marketing Is Here To Stay.
Stop Complaining And Start Learning.

And for Jack Humphrey's latest updates, his new radio show
On questions about social marketing and other internet related

You can always tune in every Friday at 2 p.m.Eastern for his recap
of the best traffic tips and internet marketing news each week.

Here’s the first show on BlogTalkRadio.com!

And to make all of this social marketing processes quicker and
easier for all of us with a limited amout of time Jack's new trick.
Utility Poster.

Blogging is about to get a lot easier and faster

Watch Friday Traffic Report video demonstration

And last but not least something from John Reese. Because we
all need traffic. New Program Scheduled for launch in May, here’s
the first sneak peek at the special case for Traffic Secrets 2.0.

The course also includes a Training Manual, Workbook,
Blueprints, and some other goodies This new interactive
learning platform was designed to help people consume the
information faster so they can immediately put strategies into
action and start seeing results right away.

You will probably learn a lot of new marketing
strategies and tactics following this launch!

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How to Have a Future So Bright, You Gotta Wear Shades

When you set out in your network marketing career. Or any
home based business for that matter, you want to do it right
and be able to reap the so called rewards. But for a lot of the
people things just dont seem to work out that way.

So what If you could learn the 5 Secrets that the most successful
people of network markeing industry all had in common...

A Proven Formula for massive and long-term success, what
would that be worth to you to learn and apply it in your business?

Watch this video and then let me know!

Learn more about the Five Pillars

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Focus of Mentoring For Free, Creating Massive Long Term Results

Has this ever happened to you? You plan to go out
on the web and gather some information. While
you are out in cyberspace, you notice an ad for
some thing that is not related to what you are
looking for.

Like a free e-book, Success in 10 Steps

Since it looks really interesting, you click on the ad anyway. By the
time you are done clicking from one interesting page to the next,
you have read for two hours. Now really! Do you still have to go
out and look for your original material. It's happened to all of us,
we think there's something better.

The key is to stay focused on your planned task.

Here's the secret and key to your success. Focus, Focus, Focus,
on your goals and plans. Plan your work and work your plan.
Because you are responsible for planning, developing, marketing,
publishing, delivering, cleaning, organizing, yada yada yada -
in short, you are the chief cook and bottle washer, in your
network marketing home based business.

Your focus is critical to your success

Here is a training system that can add extra hours to your day.
When you stay focused, you get more accomplished in a shorter
period of time and achieve your goals much faster. Your success
is directly related to your ability to focus and stay focused on
your plan. It may take time to train yourself, but it is worth it.

We can help at Mentoring For Free to find your Focus

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Inside an MLM Leaders Mindset, The Function of a Mental Cleanse

Being a successful network marketing leader
is not like buying a lottery ticket. It's not something
you say you want to do and then just 'take your
chances'. There is a very specific science to being a
successful network marketing leader.

Thanks to Mentoring For Free, I learn more and more about
this science every day.

There is a very specific process that I have watched myself, and
many other like minded people go through. As they transform
themselves into these successful network marketing leaders.
Capable of creating enormous success in the network
marketing industry.

This is some of what I have observed...

These people have a completely different mindset, a completely
different way of thinking, and a completely different way of being.
They wake up in the morning knowing that their life is their's.
They know that the only thing that matters at the end of the
day is, did I produce results, that build me.

The MLM entrepreneur does not function with the 'linear'
income mindset that most people have. Most people expect to
be told a simple set of instructions that they mindlessly perform
each day to bring home their paycheck at the end of the week.
And when they stop working, they stop getting paid.

Scary thought isn't it?

This is not how the MLM entrepreneur functions.

When you're an MLM entrepreneur, you and you alone are
responsible, and accountable, for everything you create or
don't create in your business. And when you can grasp this
reality and make it yours, you can start having the life most
people only dream about.

Because once you really get that it is you and you alone that will
create the wealth you desire...you realize that you need to be
developing you. Becausein order to have more you must become
more. And the 30 Day Mental Cleanse will help in clearing
the fog necessary to create that wealth you desire.

If your not having fun, your doing it wrong

And in that process all of the sudden, a 'mindset' change
happens. All of your focus will shift from 'just makin the money'.
And move in the direction of who, will create that money instead.
There's a big difference coming from that point of view. And it
all starts with the reading of "Success in 10 Steps"

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mentoring For Free, Michael Dlouhy, and My Chapter 2

The network marketing training provided by
Mentoring For Free recommends you experience a
30 Day Mental Cleanse. We are currently reading
chapter 2 in Think and Grow Rich.

Before reading my lesson from chapter 2, watch
the great introduction video from Michael Dlouhy

Success in 10 Steps

Think and Grow Rich Chapter 2
Desire- The Starting Point of Achievement

Looks can be decieving, because it's what's inside that drives us.
With a dominating desire that becomes an all consuming obsession.
My thoughts can become my reality.

By creating a definite goal. And fueling it with all of my energy,
and maintaining the will power. To follow through with my efforts.
I will create the opportunities to achieve my goals.

It is none of my business what others think of me.What matters is
what I think of my self. I will not let thier envy and jealousy,
disturb my obsession with a success state of mind.

I will create a money conciousness, by visualizing my successes.
As if I have already achieved them.Creating a burning desire to
create, and follow through with all of my plans. Allowing me to
attain all of my goals.

There is no better time than the now to develop, and market, the
talents I have buried deep inside of me. As long as I believe in me,
and that what I do is right. My successes will require I apologize
to no-one.

As long as I do not accept defeat as my reality. I can translate my
goals and dreams, into organized plans. Backed by my
belief, that I deserve abundance and prosperity. Then I will be
ready to recieve, all that I believe I deserve.

With a strong belief and a burning desire. All things are possible to
those who will believe. So it is my duty to say that I believe,
nothing is impossible. And I will choose to be the example.

So my duty as being the example is to introduce you to the FREE
network marketing training offered at Mentoring For Free.

And it all starts when you download your "Success in 10 Steps"

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

How to Confidently Network Market Without Fear, The 30 Day Mental Cleanse is Brilliant Compensation

Mentoring For Free is hosting the 30 Day Mental Cleanse
During this 30 days we turn off all the negativity, like the TV,
radio, CNN (you know the constant negative news.) Then
we read Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" and we
mastermind each chapter one at a time. This week we are
starting all over on chapter 1.

Before reading what I got from chapter one here's a short video

Think and Grow Rich- Chapter 1

"Whatever the mind can Concieve
and believe, it can Achieve."
Napoleon Hill

My thoughts are things, and powerful things at that.When they
are mixed with my definite pupose, and a commitment to
persistence. They create a burning desire. It is a process that
develops over time. Transmuting my desires into my reality. If I
am determined to find a way, to get what I am after. And stand
by that decision until I succeed.

By developing a definite major purpose in life. It will constantly
intensify my desire for success. Until it becomes an all consuming
obsession. Which will bring me all that I seek. With the possibility,
that the impulse of thought, can be transmuted into it's physical
reality. Think and Grow Rich, is the application of these
success principle's.

This will require my initiative to follow through on the idea's.
The faith that my desire can be achieved. And my will to follow
through, until success presents itself. Whatever I determine my
success to be. Since more gold has been mined from the brains of
men,and women. It is wise to seek expert counsel, who will keep
me on track. By providing the details and instructions required to
formulate my plans, to reach my desires, and my definite pupose.

Because I have the power to control my thoughts. It will
influence me to act on my thoughts of riches. So I will magnetize
my mind, with my intense desire for riches. Which will drive me
to create my plans for acquiring my desires.

If you want to join us on this amazing adventure, where we
will believe in you, till you believe in yourself.
"30 Day Mental Cleanse"

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Creation of a Network Marketing Leader, A Life-long Process of Personal Choice's

As a network marketing leader
I have come to realizethe most
important personal choice you can
make is to take full responsibility
for yourself.
You have to accept full responsibility
for everything you are, and
everything you want to be.The
acceptance of personal responsibility
is what separates the real leaders
from the average person.
"Take responsibility read Success in 10 Steps"
Personal responsibility is the key attribute of all leadership and
the spring board of high performance in every person, in every
situation. And this will make a great turning point in your life.
And when you've reached that turning point in life and your ready
to share it with the masses. Here's how I think we can ethically
and profitably build connections and your circle of influence.
"Take responsibility read "Success in 10 Steps"
Here's where we'll take your new connection-building strategy
to the next level. Pretty soon, the most visible and influential
members of your target are going to jump at the chance to work
with you.
Because you have the Holy Grail of all mlm training to offer
them. And you have the ability to lift a great weight off their
shoulders with this gift of freedom called Mentoring for Free.
"Take responsibility read Success in 10 Steps"
Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Sunday, April 13, 2008

How Network Marketing Leaders Deal with Chaos, The Magical Recipe for Making MLM Lemonade

In the midst of chaos, winners do not fall into
over-whelm and dysfunction. They get things done.
As the old cliché says, "When life gives them
lemons, they make lemonade."

Your first ingredient is "Success in 10 Steps"

Several things are necessary to thrive in the midst of chaos:

1. Exceptional boundaries. Winners structure their own lives
and refuse to get caught up in other people's drama. They know
how to close their doors and ignore disruptions. They know
where they are going and they tolerate few, if any, distractions.

2. Exceptional vision. They know their priorities and their
desired outcomes. They know what they want and they can see,
taste, smell and even touch their results in advance.

They have goals rather than mere hopes or dreams.

3. Exceptional self-direction. Winners are in charge of their
lives and chaos around them is merely someone else's drama
swirling nearby. They maintain their inner calm. They are not
easily lost or confused.

They know their priorities and their direction.

4. Exceptional optimism. They see chaos as opportunity.
Chaos "stirs the pot" and opens doors. Rather than annoying or
frustrating them, they love it! On a wild and windy day, a rainbow
may appear at any moment and they welcome it.

5. Exceptional Reserves. They take care of themselves. They
eat well, rest often, save and invest wisely and when opportunity
knocks, they are waiting to answer the door. They operate from
strength and stability.

While a chaotic world wreaks havoc on the competition.

6. Exceptional response-ability. Rather than reacting from
anger or anxiety, they see an ever-changing world and thoughtfully
respond to opportunities that present themselves.

Most people react; winners respond.

John Lennon observed that "life is what happens while you
were making other plans." Life will not wait until we are ready
or until we catch our breath. Winners thrive on chaos. They'll
see and seize opportunities, and they'll love the wild ride. In a
world swirling with change and chaos, they invest in themselves

And they get things done.

If you want to stop "running faster and living less" join us for
the World Class Life Conference in May. Take time to relax,
renew, and re-commit to your most important goals. Focus on
practical strategies to create and LIVE the life you truly want.
But act quickly! Space is limited and the WCL always fills up.

Philip E. Humbert, PhD,President,
The Philip E. Humbert Group, Inc.

Copyright (c) 2008, all rights reserved. U.S. Library of Congress
ISSN: 1529-059X You may copy, forward or distribute TIP's if
this copyright notice and full information for contacting
Dr Philip E. Humbert are included.
Contact him at:http://www.philiphumbert.com/
or email to Coach@philiphumbert.com

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Friday, April 11, 2008

Developing Your MLM Leadership Compass. Leadership Principle's for Enduring MLM Success

So-- how can you be spotted as a leader?
Get caught reading "Success in 10 Steps"

What does it really take for you to be
looked at as a leader.

You must offer a clear-cut path in a single
direction. Leading to Mentoring for Free

If you give choices, people will get into a debate inside their own
mind about it. They feel they don't have enough experience to make
a good choice, and nothing will happen.

The reason they need a leader is, they don't know how to get to
where they want to be. For them to follow you, you must lead.
Tell them explicitly what to do. That gives them a clear choice
to follow you or not.

So in order to to be a leader, you need to be certain

Certain that the actions you take make a difference. It really
doesn't matter so much how you do it, so long as you do it
with passion. Because there's an old saying,

"I may not be right, but I'm never in doubt."

That is the thought of an inspiring leader. People who want to
achieve things in life will stay away from people in doubt. In order
to bring the right people into your MLM business, you need to
act with certainty.

That will make you magnetic.

It's always surprising how many people look to others to guide
them. When, if they just Googled their question, they'd have an
answer. A leader doesn't expect or depend on others to do it for
them. They choose a good example, then they figure it out and
make it work.

A leader entering unknown territory still doesn't bat an eye.

They do it anyway. This isn't revolutionary.

Success as a leader means you have a "think REALLY big"
mindset, and then doing the necessary actions. Any real leader
takes pride in the fact that they are 100% responsible for their
future, so they do the logical actions that will bring the results
they want.

Now you will get results, whether you act or not.

My question to you is, what kind of results do you want?
To get the best results in your network marketing business
I recommend starting with the answers in Success in 10 Steps

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting The Power of an MLM Plan, Finding Your Success in Ten Steps

Want to do something simple that makes
YOU stand out among your peers?

I highly recommend that you download
this ebook "Success in 10 Steps"

Want to be seen as someone who is
methodical, systematic and in control.
I highly recommend the "Mentoring for Free System"

Here's one more ideal way to distance yourself from the herd!
I highly recommend you do the "30 Day Mental Cleanse"

The Other Secrets of Successful People

There's a huge contrast between people who have a plan and those
who fall behind. Planning isn't rocket science... just common sense
in action. Because this skill is so easy to learn and maintain, it is
unbelievable that anyone would permit this to hold them back.

You have many places you'd like to go in life, but no clue how to get
there. If you are struggling with career, financial or personal issues,
maybe it's your lack of ability to create even the most basic plan for a
successful life.

You believe that the future is out of your control, and you're lucky
just getting by -- taking it one day at a time. With each day
resembling the last as you move in random directions for no specific
reason. With no realistic plan.

Take Control of Your Results, What's your Plan

If you don't have a plan for getting where you want to go, you're
going to spend a lot of time stuck in places you have no interest or
business being in. I can help you with that.
Listen to this, it's "What's Your Plan"

You will find that events usually unfold as predicted, according to
your well-defined plan. And thats because you have a plan to actually
follow.So now you can believe that the future is in your control, by
using the five steps outlined below.

The 5 Basic Steps for Creating Your Powerful Plans

1) Maintain a written action plan for each of your major goals
Written plans are the essential instructions for how to reach
a goal.There is no way you can accomplish something if you don't
know how to proceed. A plan is simply a detailed map outlining
the steps required to accomplish your goal

2) Visualize the process for each new project from beginning to end,
well before you start. Visualize the proper sequence of events
required to achieve your major objectives -- in the fewest number
of steps possible. Because you plan ahead, you take total control
of your performance.

3) Write your plans with well defined steps that lead to specific,
major objectives.With a clear set of instructions, you can go
anywhere and achieve anything you want It takes a lot less to
get where you want to go when you prepare in advance. By
providing the step-by-step instructions for the actions that must
be taken. Outlining a series of steps that must be completed
along your path, to be successful.

4) Integrate the steps of your plans into your schedule every day.
And you start to control your performance. If you want to move
your plans ahead, each day write each action step in your plan
and dedicate an appropriate amount of time to get it done.
Reserve time for step-by-step planning in advance, and your
plans will get completed

5) Work your plans until you succeed or find a better way. The best
plan in the world is useless until it's put into action. How well you
follow through with your plans -- ultimately determines your
success. .You make things happen when you act on your plans
and see them through to the end.

Master these skills, and the achievement of any goal is just a
written plan away. Because you work your plans, you will start to
take control of your performance.And you'll be surprised at how
quickly your moving to the success you want. Your march to
success starts with downloading "Success in 10 Steps"

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime
My Success Manual

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Here's What All the Honking is About

It is April and spring is finally ariving. In its full colorful glory.
All the plants and bushes are showing off thier brilliant colors.

There,s Yellows, Greens, Reds, and Blues.

There just like the Personality colors we will be discussing this
Saturday Night. On the Teleseminar with Mentoring for Free.
Color to Success Call!

More on that in a moment, but first I have to tell You about the
Honking. I was out in my yard when I heard this loud Honking,
coming out of the south as I turned here is what I saw in the sky.

In the spring when you see Geese heading north, for home flying
along in the ‘V’ formation. You might be interested in knowing what
science has discovered about why they fly that way.

It has been learned that as each bird flaps its wings, it creates uplift
for the bird immediately following. By flying in a‘V’formation the
whole flock adds at least 71% greater flying range than if each bird
flew on its own.

Quite similar to people who are part of a team and share a common
direction to get where they are going quicker and easier,
Because they are travelling on the trust of one another and lift each
other up along the way.

Whenever a Goose falls out of formation,

It suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to go through it
alone and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the
power of the flock.

If we have as much sense as a Goose, we will stay in formation and
share information with those who are headed in the same way we
are going.

When the lead Goose gets tired, he rotates back in the wings and
another Goose takes over. It pays to share leadership and take
turns of doing the more difficult jobs.

The Geese honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep
their speed. Words of support and inspiration help energize those
on the front line, helping them to keep pace in spite of the day-
to-day pressures and fatigue.

It is important that our honking be encouraging.
Otherwise it’s just, well, Honking!

Finally when a goose gets sick or is wounded it falls out, two Geese
fall out of the formation and follow the injured one down to help
and protect him. They stay with him until he is either able to fly
or until he is dead, then they launch out with another formation to
catch up with their group.

When one of us is down, It’s up to the others to stand by us
In our time of trouble. If we have the sense of a Goose, we will stand
by each other when things get rough. We will stay in formation with
those heading where we want to go. The next time you see a
formation of Geese, remember their message that:

So as my contribution to the Mentoring for Free Team

It is only right that I pass this on to You.
We will be having our training call
Saturday April 5 at 9:00 PM Eastern time.
On the Personality colors and how to detect them.

To Register and find out what all the Honking is about.
Go to this link for the "Colors to Success"

Be there and find out for Yourself what all the Honking is about!

Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sing it Like an MLM Rockstar, Why Should the Devil Have all the Good Music

Who wants to be a MLM Rockstar,
Do you? You can!
In order to be a MLM Rockstar,
you need to think like one. There is
no such thing as thinking like average
and earning exceptional income. It
simply doesn't work that way.
The trains leaving the station,
will you be on it or under it?
Here's what the average person will be thinking about. The past,
and how bad it was, how it was always someone else's fault all the
time. An average person makes excuses why they didn't or couldn't
make things happen focusing on reasons why it isn't possible.
Because this type of person only sees the obstacle's or the roadblocks.
An average person sits on the sidelines and watches others win the
game, they wont do the things necessary to make it happen for them.
They lack the discipline to learn from their mistakes. Then they will
sit on the tracks till the train runs them over, due to their fear of
leaving their comfort zone of a life of mediocrity.
Visualize sponsoring a millionaire into your business

My good friend and personal mentor, Michael Dlouhy always
tells me. If you want to be a millionaire, you have to hang out with
millionaires. You need to be around them and learn how they think.
Listen to how they talk. Millionaires look at things completely
different than the average person does.
Before you can be a MLM Rockstar you have to develop the
millionaire mindset that is required to accept that
responsibility. A person with a millionaire mindset see's the
possibilities in the opportunity. And see's beyond the roadblocks
in the way. They will find a way around the obstacles, and make
it happen.

A person with a millionaire mindset has learned from their past
mistakes. And they live in the present, in the NOW, with a focus
on the long term outcomes.They thrive on playing the game, and
will do anything it takes to get their desired outcome. Using their
millionaire mindset to bring out the best in others.

Using tunnel vision to create that massive organization!
In order for you to accumulate wealth and create a massive income,
you first have to change your way of thinking and acting. Let me
give you some idea of where your mind and actions need to be in
order to create a massive organization that pays you
hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.
A millionaire mindset person can always see the light at the
end of the tunnel, this person looks fear square in the eye and says
"move aside." As they fail their way to success. A millionaire
mindset person knows that a little faith goes a long way. Especially
when this type person focuses on establishing nourishing
Welcome my friends, to the show that never ends!
Being an MLM Rockstar does take some effort. It requires a
burning desire to succeed. And most of all it will require a well
trained team, to keep that train on track. So when you build your
people, people will build your business. But to accomplish this will
require a duplicatable system like Mentoring for Free.
Your Friend in Success

Gary McElwain
216-539-3553 Anytime

Being a Mentor with a Servants Heart